So I sleepily rolled out of bed, walked to my deck door and HOLY SHIT there's a BLAZE O' GLORY buring away in the trash bin in the back lane.
AWESOME way to start my Saturday.
So I watch the fire for a minute, it's a pretty impressive sight, I take note of the tree nearby and the decision is made to call 9-1-1 and discuss the matter with someone with more expertise.
Within 5 minutes we hear the sirens, the fire department show's up and there's steam and what have you and next thing you know, the garbage bin is a smoldering pile of.... garbage.
God, I'm living in the hood.
I imagine how the poor firefighters were feeling, picture it:

I'm thinking, they were probably asking themselves "is it the same garbage bin as last week?"
Poor poor fire-guys.
Sorry dudes.

The 6 year old, and her 4 year old sister, were however quite happy to have an excuse to play on my "fire-man-pole" (which we normally call a Pole Dancing Pole) in the living room all morning.
Oh yeah, I went there, I am *THAT* mother.
But hey, my kids have AWESOME fire safety skills.
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